ErgoMot respects and protects your privacy. We appreciate the trust you give our association. All of the personal data that you transfer to us will be treated with the greatest care and confidentiality.
ErgoMot complies with the law of 8 December 1992 as modified by the law of 11 December 1998 transposing Directive 95/46/CE of 24 October 1995 of the European Parliament and the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
That law requires that consent be obtained from the individual before their data is collected, that the data are relevant, proportionate and correct; and that they be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate reasons. An individual whose data is collected must have the right to access and amend their data.
We may use the information to inform you of modifications and special offers that are likely to be of interest to you. ErgoMot will always give you the opportunity to receive no more information. To do this, you simply send an e-mail to info at ergomot dot be.
You can amend your data by sending an email to ErgoMot.